Agence PumpUp

SEO is based on different optimization levers such as structural and technical optimization of the website (HTML tags, Title tags…), writing optimized content and netlinking without forgetting the presence on social networks.

At PumpUp, we master the technical and marketing skills (thanks to an intense and regular monitoring activity) to avoid being penalized by Google with its different algorithms, according to their updates and changes.


  • How to realize the SEO audit of my website?
  • How to be visible organically by search engines ?
  • How to increase traffic ?


  • Be visible on the 1st page of Google, Bing/Yahoo!
  • Increase my online sales
  • Work on my internal/external linking


  • 3 billion searches every day on search engines
  • The CTR on the first 3 positions in SEO varies from 36% to 21%.

Make your website organically more visible

Website architecture

The architecture of the website must be done in a very rigorous way. It defines the location of content and its various interactions. The site must allow the user to quickly find information, which must be accessible in 3 clicks maximum. The architecture of your website has an impact on your SEO. If Google does not find the information easily, it can lower your ranking in search results. Conversely, if the website is well structured, it can easily rise in the search results.

Editorial content

The editorial content must be optimized. This must be done according to the business keywords, or products sold in the case of an e-commerce site, the goal being to match the requests of Internet users with your pages and product sheets. It is also necessary to take into account the most searched keywords by the Internet users, whether they are technical or usual.

Meta tags

The Meta tags of a website are part of the “invisible” content. They provide information about the content of the website to search engines mainly. The most known tags are the following : the meta title and the meta description. They are used by search engines in search results: it is therefore necessary to optimize them in priority! On the same principle as the content, the objective is to match your web pages with the requests of Internet users.

Internal Mesh

What is the Internal Mesh? It is the links created between the different pages of a website, in order to link them together. Internal links exist mainly in the navigation menus, but it is useful to create them within the content itself. This must be the subject of a complete strategy, to distribute the “weight” of the pages in terms of SEO. The anchor used, that is to say the expression on which the link is placed, must also be thought through in order to personalize your different links between your different pages.

Technical information

From a more technical point of view, you should not forget to provide useful information to the crawlers. A robots.txt file will tell them which pages of the site they should read or not. A sitemap file will be used to list all the URLs to be indexed and inform the robots of the structure of your website. If one of these two files is missing on a website, it can clearly harm its good reading by search engines. The objective is to facilitate the task of the robots on your site.

Mobile First

We must think mobile first ! The Mobile today exceeds the share of other devices used on the Internet. With a Mobile First approach, you put the mobile user and the mobile device at the center of your web design. Google will read the mobile version of a site first, if there is one. Note that the loading speed of a website on mobile has even more impact, so do not forget this step when creating the website.

Media content

The media are an additional form of content not to be neglected, with a strong informative potential. They must be integrated in accordance with the different SEO optimizations in place. This is the case for example with images for which it is imperative to work on the title and the alternative text, the tag concerning images is called Alt tag! In addition, to play the card of the loading time of your site, you must not forget to lighten your images, videos, etc., to reduce the weight and improve the loading time. (so think about the Webp format)

Urls rewriting

The URLs must be designed in a readable and logical way. More a page is accessible at a simple address, the easier it is to remember and find ! The rewriting of URLs implies the implementation of redirects such as 301 / 302 redirects. This is also the case when switching your HTTP site to HTTPS or when redesigning your website!

Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets consist in providing the Internet user with additional information. The objective is to improve the display of a site in the SERP and improve its click rate. For example, it is possible to add the price of a product, customer reviews, or to transform the URL displayed into a breadcrumb trail. To do this, you must use the rich snippets on your website.

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