Agence PumpUp

The Inbound Marketing agency that attracts your target with efficient campaigns

Inbound marketing is a powerful methodology that unleashes the growth plan of companies. How do you do it? By capturing attention, rapidly increasing your lead acquisition and generating more sales.

We will help you to increase your ROI thanks to a structuring methodology of your acquisition and conversion actions.

We stand out from other Inbound Marketing agencies


We are Hubspot Partner Platinium certified


We know how to fight to help you get attention and if you’re here it’s because we’ve already hired you a little 🙂


We define your SMART objectives in a granular way


We have created a dedicated methodology to create your persona


We master to perfection all the levers: Google Ads, SEO, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, blog post, newsletter, influence marketing, videos…


We have also aligned our sales and marketing teams because we know the two poles must work in silos


We turn your customers into ambassadors


We know how to use data to set up your marketing automation

Today, a buyer’s decision making is almost autonomous. He consults social networks, blog articles, e-books, customer reviews, case studies… to form his own opinion.

You must be able to offer interesting and targeted content at the right place and time. It is only between the consideration and the decision phase that the buyer will finally be ready to get in touch with a sales representative of your company.

Our Inbound Marketing agency, a guarantee of excellence

In concrete terms, this approach allows, with the support of a team of experts, to increase your incoming traffic on your website through the provision of relevant and targeted content. Thus, it is the combination of lead nurturing, marketing automation, a good CRM and a whole lot of conversion tools that allow you to feed your pipeline with qualified leads and your business performance.

Why is it high time to have a flexible and impactful approach? Simply because the consumer buying journey has changed. And even if the in-store purchase is still important, the online channel almost always has an impact on the decision making process and the purchase itself.

So, are you ready to rethink your marketing approach? Accelerate your growth today with a strategy that unites your marketing and sales teams around a common goal: attract and convert leads into customer ambassadors.

In short, our inbound marketing agency is :

the implementation of a structuring methodology for your marketing strategy
a recognized and efficient process to attract leads and customers
bi-directional communication (interactive and fluid)
better ROI management
dedicated content writing aimed at the needs of the consumer

Our methodology for Inbound Marketing

Implementing an inbound marketing strategy is more about bringing the audience to you rather than going after them in an intrusive way. Basically, we attract our prospects rather than attract their attention. Today, before consuming, the prospect will research his need or problem as well as the solutions that can solve his problem. This is where creating relevant, optimized and specific content plays its role… as well as a smart presence on social networks. The idea is not to attract everyone, but only those who are likely to be interested in your product or service. In this age where we want everything, right now, being available at the click of a button is paramount. One of the not-so-substantial differences between outbound and inbound marketing is communication.

In an inbound strategy, the communication is two-way, meaning that people can engage with the brand, whereas in an outbound marketing strategy the brand will send a message, but the interaction with it is complicated.

For the implementation, we design campaigns from A to Z

  • Definition of SMART objectives
  • Elaboration of personas
  • Definition of the buyer’s journey
  • Reflection on a topic
  • Creation of the offer
  • Conversion path design
  • Launch / Promotion
  • Analysis and improvement

Other Services Inbound Marketing

Meet our Inbound Marketing experts

Simon - Hubspot Expert

With a triple skill set in tech, marketing and digital, Simon has the expertise to optimize your business, especially through lead acquisition but also innovative strategies.

Sylvain Poquet
Sylvain - Data & CRM expert

Trained as a developer, Sylvain quickly became interested in CRM development and then in web-based prospective systems. About 15 years ago, he started using Analytics to complement CRM data and optimize marketing investments. Today, with Pumpup, he develops data and technical expertise while remaining in contact with clients through the implementation of branding plans.

Paul - E-Business Consultant & Certified Hubspot Expert

Paul assists business owners, marketing managers and communication managers in the development of their web strategy and the digitalization of their company. His goal is to help you reach the right person, at the right time, with the right content and generate more leads or sales through your website.

Robin - Growth Manager, Hubspot and Google certified since 2015.

Robin is a specialist in SEA / SEO Google and accompanies you in your digital actions to improve your results and grow your business in the short, medium and long term.

PumpUp's offers in Inbound Marketing

6 000€

You want to set up your first marketing base to attract, convert and retain customers? Our certified Hubspot experts will accompany you for 3 months to launch your first campaign.

1 900 €/mois

You want to amplify your digital actions by integrating inbound marketing to your current actions. Our certified experts will set up a year-long program of actions, manage and optimize your campaigns.

2 500 €/mois

You want to optimize your digital actions and entrust all your inbound marketing to experts (traffic acquisition, landing page, lead nurturing, automation...). We mobilize a complete team to accompany you all year long and outperform!

Ferlam - PME industrielle

FERLAM TECHNOLOGIES, a French industrial company that designs, manufactures and markets products for thermal protection.

We implemented a value strategy with the implementation of acquisition campaigns on Google Ads and Linkedin Ads as well as an Inbound Marketing strategy through content.

Study and implementation of personas, SMART marketing objectives determined,

creation of lead magnets, white papers … we have fully implemented their new CRM.

Result: more than fifteen qualified leads per month with a turnover ranging from 10 000 to 100 000 euros.

Courbet joaillier

COURBET, ethical and ecological jeweler

Our team installed Hubspot’s Marketing Hub with the goal of structuring their marketing content and guiding their customers through the buying journey.

Hub Marketing is a tool that helps generate leads via a content strategy: their marketing teams can use HubSpot’s CMS to create powerful landing pages with customized pop-up forms and CTAs for example.

This tool allows them to collect information and data about their digital marketing actions.

Some key figures

Some Internet users say that social networks have already helped them make a decision.
Consumers consult the opinions of Internet users before purchasing.
Internet users do research on the Internet before contacting a service provider.
Internet users made a purchase after watching a video on a social network.

Inbound Marketing from A to Z

  • Understanding Inbound Marketing
  • Optimize your traffic acquisition
  • Lead generation
  • Converting leads into customers
  • Loyalty: The challenges of inbound marketing
  • An Inbound marketing certified agency
What is the difference between inbound and outbound marketing?

Outbound marketing includes all the advertisements broadcasted on the different media supports such as television, radio, posters and street advertising. If ten years ago, this marketing strategy was able to attract customers, it is now facing the limits imposed by the digital world. Today, people watch less and less TV. Radio and direct mail are becoming redundant and uninteresting to the public, hence the importance of inbound marketing. As its name suggests, this technique consists in making your audience come to you rather than going to them. It allows you to address your target only through tools that generate qualified traffic: natural and paid search, content marketing, blogging, social networks… in short, all the resources of digital marketing! Inbound marketing is distinguished by its non-intrusive nature and its bi-directional communication mode. It brings added value to the consumer while allowing you to better manage your advertising budget. Even if inbound marketing is a strategy that is built over the long term, it allows you to interact with your target and gradually build a relationship of trust.

What is Inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing is a finely tuned communication strategy that allows companies to establish their reputation on the web through a solid interaction with their target audience. It excludes the audience not interested in your products and services and distributes content specifically intended for qualified customers. Communication, far from being static, evolves with the maturity of your lead. To do this, it takes into account the 3 essential phases that make up the buying journey, starting with the awareness phase during which the prospect discovers his need. The second phase corresponds to the consideration phase, which is when the potential client examines the solutions available to him. Finally, the prospect decides which alternative to choose, which is the decision phase. Just because the prospect is still in the awareness phase does not mean that he should be dismissed. The interest of inbound marketing is precisely to intervene at any moment by proposing content adapted to solicit a purchase. But in general, the inbound marketing strategy is based on 4 methodical steps: 1-attracting your target through useful and relevant information, 2-converting your target into prospects, 3-concluding by converting your prospects into leads, 4-loyalizing your leads who will become ambassadors of your brand. Our marketing experts offer you help and assistance to build your web marketing strategy and increase your sales.


Smartketing is a concept that has come to solve the dissociation between marketing and sales. In many companies, marketers and salespeople tend to point the finger at each other’s work, the former considering that salespeople struggle to convert their leads and the latter questioning the interest and effectiveness of marketing. This dichotomy has been reduced thanks to Smartketing, which overturns the old pyramid scheme. It is now a question of creating a collaborative approach from the first phase of awareness to the decisive stage. Knowing that companies that have opted for this model have succeeded in increasing their turnover by 20%, this method is really worth looking into! The objective of smartketing is to involve marketers in the work of sales people, who are actually the ones who interact with prospects in vivo. They also need to collaborate with the marketing department to better define personas and create a more relevant marketing campaign. This collaboration must be based on certain creeds such as simplifying the language used, setting common objectives between the two departments, exchanging information about the actions being carried out and the results obtained.

What is a SMART goal ?

To succeed in your Inbound marketing strategy, you must start by defining a Smart objective. This acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Timely and Relevant. In other words, your inbound marketing approach must be clear, based on quantifiable parameters, limited by a deadline and have a significant impact on the evolution of your business. The Smart objective allows you to put your approach in a concrete vision that stimulates productivity and team motivation. It must take into account real parameters in order to set goals that are ambitious enough to solicit competitiveness and perseverance and realistic enough to avoid unjustified demotivation. For this, precise figures must be chosen as a reference. But it is also important to understand when and where this goal should be set. This varies from company to company, but it does not mean that the Smart target can be set randomly. It is highly recommended that you use it when creating a global vision for the future of your business or when setting your inbound marketing plan. Remember that each company should set its own Smart Goal based on its level of growth, investments and established business strategy.

How to set SMART goals ?

It is clear that you cannot motivate your marketing and sales teams by offering them a general vision without measurable challenges to be met one by one. Your action plan must be based on several objectives to be reached during a given period. Your Smart strategy should be composed of monthly, quarterly and, for long-term challenges, annual challenges. The first step then consists in defining objectives for the traffic acquisition stage, measurable from the number of visitors to your site, the number of subscribers to your social network pages and to your blog newsletter. The second stage must be focused on the objectives of converting visitors into leads. You must first set the rate to be reached over a period of one month or one quarter. The third step should take into account the leads converted into customers. The achievement of these objectives can be measured through the number of appointments, the conversion rate as well as the number of customers acquired through the Inbound marketing channel.

What is a buyer persona ?

“Buyer Persona” refers to the profile of your ideal customer taking into account real parameters. Even if the persona is imaginary, it is one of the key points of a winning web marketing strategy. In reality, the buyer persona is designed from similar data about your customer base. You must then take into account the habits of your customers, their needs, the obstacles that will prevent them from making a purchase as well as the same parameters that characterize the decision making process before making a sale. Here are the 8 benefits of creating your buyer persona. First, this ideal customer profile is one of the crucial steps in an inbound marketing plan. It helps you create targeted content that takes into consideration the concrete needs of your prospects and the reasons for their hesitation to make a purchase. This helps you attract more qualified buyers and prioritize your leads. In this way, you can design an inbound marketing strategy that meets the real expectations of your prospects. We then help your company to create and offer customized products. An effective web marketing strategy must be based on this buyer persona, which crystallizes the characteristics of your ideal customer.

Why create buyer personas?

In web marketing, the creation of a buyer persona gives a fundamental support to your Inbound marketing strategy insofar as it allows you to define an editorial line for your content. It is clear that there is a big difference between textual and audiovisual supports based on general presumptions and those oriented towards a precise model gathering the characteristics of your ideal customer. Here are the main 8 reasons to create your buyer personas:

  1. They represent an essential axis of your inbound marketing strategy.
  2. They dictate the information you need to provide and indicate the structure and evolution of your content strategy.
  3. They allow you to identify the problems encountered by your target audience in order to better imagine solutions.
  4. They help you to better target your qualified leads by focusing on decision-makers.
  5. They are a good reference for ranking your leads according to their quality.
  6. They provide a solid support to optimize your customer retention methods.
  7. They condition the development of your sales strategies and the creation of new services.
  8. They ensure the implementation of a coherent approach placing the needs of the ideal customer at the heart of its concerns.

Finally, all of these benefits lead to the real highlight of this initiative: presenting quality leads to your sales team. If your marketing plan isn’t driven by this model, we can help you revise it!

What is content marketing ?

Since the advent of the Internet and the growing success of social networks, content marketing has become one of the pillars of a good e-marketing strategy. To attract the attention of your prospects and build customer loyalty, you must be able to provide free and relevant information to build relationships with your target and increase your credibility. The ultimate goal of this approach is to convert the maximum number of prospects into customers and increase the number of sales. The action is considered profitable as soon as your target group is interested in the information you distribute. Content marketing differs from promotional content by its didactic and informational scope: through shared articles, for example, you try to solve the problems encountered by prospects. To ensure the success of this approach, it is highly recommended to integrate it into your inbound marketing strategy by trying to vary the media. Thus, for more efficiency, you must produce texts adapted to the format required by social networks, in accordance with the rules of natural referencing and containing equally eloquent infographics. Our team will help you produce quality and varied content: web pages, podcasts, videos, newsletters, quizzes, etc.

How to get more traffic on my website?

Start by taking care of the details of your website. This starts with an attractive and professional design, through a mobile-friendly model to plugins leading to your social networking pages. The next step is content marketing, which is the most fundamental part of inbound marketing. Don’t neglect the power of social media to attract leads to your site such as forums and blogs as well as social networks like Twitter and Facebook. The fourth channel to gain more visibility on the web is search engine optimization. In other words, search engines must be able to find you easily. For this, there is no alternative to appearing on the first page of search results. Vary the formats of your content (videos, texts, podcasts…), position yourself on relevant and not very competitive keywords, propose well-structured articles that make reading easier and opt for a finely thought-out netlinking strategy to make a good impression in the eyes of your audience and the Google engine. And don’t forget the sea referencing: the paid alternative to seo, to be used simultaneously and which will also increase your traffic.

How to optimize your landing page for conversions ?

The following 5 steps will help you improve your landing pages and capture the attention of your prospects as soon as they arrive on your site. This page must then gather all the characteristics to solicit a specific action from your visitors. This can be a subscription to the newsletter, the purchase of a product…

  • Step 1 : The first rule to make your landing pages successful: consistency with the advertising message. When the Internet user clicks on a promotional message, he must land on a page with information or actions that perfectly match his search. Otherwise, the trust in your brand will break down before it even begins.
  • Step 2: The important elements of your landing page should be above the waterline.
  • Step 3: Write a killer sales proposal or let our team produce a concentrated mix of words, images, metaphors and pitches that no one can resist.
  • Step 4: Create a Hero Shot like a Hollywood movie poster. When the prospect lands on your site, he or she should immediately be captivated by the central photo of your landing page!
  • Step 5: Don’t forget the call-to-action, which you must make concrete with a button.
What makes a good CTA ?

If despite a content strategy that takes into account all the criteria of good web referencing and good communication with prospects, you are not able to make more sales, chances are that your CTA is the reason. This is the “call-to-action” button that represents the explicit move to action. If your visitors don’t press it, you must make these 5 changes:

  • Choose a strategic place for your CTA, above the waterline and in a clever location so that it does not end up drowned in the mass of information displayed on your page.
  • Select the color of the button according to the graphic charter of your site. The color palette chosen should also be in harmony with your logo and brand.
  • Do not exceed 2 call-to-actions per page to avoid disturbing the visitor and dispersing his attention.
  • Offer an opportunity to encourage urgent action.
  • Write an excellent sales page to encourage visitors to press the button. To save time, you can call on our web agency and benefit from the talent of our copywriting experts.
How to create a good contact form ?

Creating a contact form is not enough to guarantee that your visitors will fill it out. Above all, it must be fun and simplified. First, the fields should be kept as small as possible. Then carefully select the information you want to get from your prospects and consider offering several types of forms to see which one will be better received by your visitors. Then, opt for the ajax error handling system rather than the javascript alert boxes and error messages that are displayed after the form page is loaded. Also consider aligning your labels on the left side while trying the right side to see what your visitors prefer. Fields should also be easy to find and fill in. This can be done by choosing colors and adding an indicator. The privacy policy is another element that will give your audience confidence to reveal their personal information. The format of the fields, grouping by theme and well-marked mandatory boxes should make it easier to fill out and encourage your visitors to spend the necessary time on the contact form, which is an essential file for identifying qualified leads.

What is the purpose of lead nurturing?

Lead nurturing is involved in all stages of inbound marketing. Its goal is to follow your visitors step by step from traffic acquisition to qualified leads. The idea is to be able to intervene at different times with your prospects and to request customized actions. For example, if you push a lead, who is not sufficiently prepared, to make a purchase directly, you risk losing him permanently and compromising the relationship of trust that led him to your site. Offer a lead magnet, such as a tutorial in a free e-book, that would solve a problem your visitors are facing. In your inbound marketing campaign, build a lead nurturing plan by leveraging one of the essential resources of web marketing: content marketing. Don’t neglect setting objectives beforehand, creating buyers personas and choosing the right timing to send a message. Offering gifts, whether it’s free access to a webinar or an e-book, reinforces trust in your brand and your vision. Finally, marketing and sales teams need to cooperate and act simultaneously to ensure a good lead nurturing campaign.

Why do you need marketing automation ?

The work required to generate sales is so diverse and important that you can’t interact with each of your leads individually. Executing a marketing automation plan, inherent to your web marketing strategy, is the best way to tailor emails to address the lead, taking into account their maturity level. More concretely, marketing automation is essential for a successful inbound marketing campaign because it allows you to accompany the lead from the beginning to the completion of a sale and even after. Alongside social networks, a marketing automation campaign consists of sending detailed and sometimes more synthetic e-mails according to the lead’s behavior, the timeframe, the conversion and the transaction. This technique, which is part of the overall Inbound marketing plan, is based on the data collected from visitors. In other words, not all of your audience is concerned, only the lead nurturers who are close to making a purchase. This technique saves valuable time that you can spend on tasks in your Inbound marketing strategy that cannot be done automatically. Contact our agency to find out which individual actions you should integrate into a marketing automation plan.

Why is it important to retain your customers ?

Did you know that retaining a customer is cheaper than acquiring one? So, your Inbound marketing strategy should, to some extent, be focused on creating customer ambassadors. What does this mean? It means a customer who is satisfied with your services and products and who will naturally praise your brand to others for free. But you can’t choose this profile by chance. The person who will become your spokesperson must have messages and products that are specifically designed for them. You need to create a marketing strategy that puts the customer first. Here are 4 main reasons why you have everything to gain by having customer ambassadors for your brand :

  • N°1 : This loyalty approach is profitable.
  • A good return on investment.
  • Facilitate and increase sales.
  • Word-of-mouth is the weakest marketing strategy.

You can count on our experts to identify your ambassador customers and develop a customized strategy to get them to promote your brand spontaneously.

Why should I hire a hubspot marketing agency ?

To find your inbound marketing agency, ask yourself the right questions. Start by identifying your expectations and needs. Then, find out about the agency: its launch, its owners, its collaborators, its partnerships. Knowing that Hubspot is the must in the world of inbound marketing, make sure that the agency has this certification. Also keep in mind that there is no better showcase for any brand than its own work. If an agency specializing in inbound marketing is not implementing an inbound marketing strategy, don’t bother. Ask about their work capacity while making sure that the feeling is good with their team members. Finally, ask for several quotes to compare them and select the best alternative. Without further ado, request a comprehensive quote from our web agency and discover our services and rates.

They trust us

Groupe Credit Agricole
Our customers, our partners and our teams talk about us !

Benjamin Pradier


28 June 2019

A big thank you to the Pumpup team and especially to Chloe who is in charge of our file. After taking over all the work of the previous agency, she has significantly improved the results in a few months and brings us expertise and quality support. See you soon 🙂 Team


Juliette Deltour


17 March 2021

Super professional agency! The team is very attentive and very committed to our projects. They have a great mastery of digital strategy and are very educational. It’s ideal to involve the teams.


Niclas Ingmansson


10 April 2021

Great support for our brand new business. Relevant advice and results in terms of traffic. Special thanks to Paul!