Agence PumpUp

Improve your customer knowledge through personas

Knowing your customer means making sure you sell them the right product, at the right time, in the right place and with the right message. The complexity lies in knowing what to sell, when, where and with what messages, and that’s the whole point of defining personas.


  • How to define personas from an existing customer file?
  • How to conduct customer interviews without biasing the exchange?
  • What criteria should be taken into account when creating a persona?


  • Get a deep understanding of your personas
  • Establish concrete ways to distribute the right content to the right people
  • Improve the qualification of your prospects

Some key numbers

  • 60% of companies do not interact with their customers in a personalized way. (Salesforce)
  • 86% of French people feel that brands send them too much information that does not interest them (OpinionWay survey)
  • A personalized experience could increase brand revenues by 6% to 10% (Boston Consulting Group).

Choose to know your customers better

Audit of the customer file and the customer journey

One of the steps of our service consists in understanding the path your customer takes to buy from you (the buyer journey). The advanced analysis of this journey, crossed with the characteristics of your customers, allows us to establish some hypotheses about your customers.

Customer interviews

It is difficult to put oneself in the shoes of a client, to know who he or she is, to understand his or her pain points, his or her successes, without first having an exchange with him or her. The work is based on assumptions that we will try to invalidate or confirm. The difficulty of the exercise lies in avoiding common cognitive biases that would make us validate hypotheses wrongly, such as the confirmation bias or the selection bias.

The search for information

The last pillar of this triptych for acquiring customer information is to go and get it from customer reviews, forums, Facebook groups and keyword searches. From this information, we establish a certain number of hypotheses to validate.

They trust us

Groupe Credit Agricole