Agence PumpUp

Eye tracking

Evaluate how customers react to your website

8 seconds is the average time spent by an Internet user on a page and 15 letters in a text, that's what the eye can read in one go.

Eye tracking is a set of techniques that allows us to measure eye movement and record the position of the gaze on a screen. We can thus know if the user is looking at your screen, really reading or just scanning the areas and we can also know the attention paid to a particular part of the screen and the unread areas.

With Eye Tracking, we can know if the user is looking at your screen, really reading or just scanning the areas. We can also control the attention paid to a particular part of the screen and the areas not read.

Eye tracking is used to analyze digital interfaces such as websites, images, videos and applications. This technology also studies the visual path regardless of the size of the support, mobile and tablet. Mobile analysis has been very accurate for a few years now.

Eye tracking does not lie, it is a tool that gives reliable results. It provides information on user behavior and expectations. It also highlights what the eye does not see and the mistakes that may have been made.

The data is calculated by area of interest in a real context of use: number of glances, time of glance, order of discovery, direction of reading.

If you are unsure of how to proceed, you can get help. You can ask our experts for advice on how to analyze the eye path.

The use of a web agency allows you to be serene about the process to be put in place and thus boost the rate of your conversions.


  • How to optimize the effectiveness of your landing page?
  • How to improve your lead acquisition?
  • How to keep your visitors on your pages long enough?
  • How to improve visitor engagement and keep them on your site?


  • Identify and analyze with certainty the elements that attract the reader’s eye thanks to the map of hot zones, cold zones and the visual path.
  • Convert your visitors into customers with A/B testing to improve the performance of your pages.
  • Satisfy your users’ needs by integrating videos, for example.

Key numbers

  • The average attention span of a human is shorter than that of a goldfish (8 seconds vs. 9 seconds): you have to catch their eye.
  • 80% of users spend 80% of their time looking for information above the fold or the part of the web page that does not require scrolling
  • 69% of users’ time is spent looking at the left half of a web page

Improve your users’ knowledge

Fitts' law

We use models and laws such as Fitts’ Law which attempts to predict how humans move between two disparate domains, whether physically or virtually. By applying this concept to your website, we try to predict how your customers’ eyes will slide from one content on your website to another.

Heat Map

We use solutions that allow you to place code on your website and record data about where users have clicked on your web page. The idea is represented in the form of a Heat Map by assigning colors to different elements of the page based on how often they were clicked.

Orientation of the eyes

The orientation of the eyes through your different web pages is extremely important. It will allow you to define heat zones and thus direct the eye towards the most important elements on your pages. Our experts will help you choose the right visuals and test the appropriate variants.


The average attention span of a human is less than that of a goldfish (8 seconds vs. 9 seconds). The medium and the type of content are therefore very important to maximize this attention. Also, in a recent MOZ study, it was revealed in a Heat Map that when videos appeared on search engine results, they had a very strong impact on the attention of Internet users. We support you in the integration of adapted videos.

Average Fold

The average fold is the bottom limit at which you see the screen. Below this part of your site, if there is any content left, you will have to scroll. Ergonomic conventions usually prioritize high value-added content (that which helps the user make a decision) above this waterline. Our teams of experts will help you study this “Fold”, which varies according to the type of user. The visible height is 640px on average.

Sample Letter F

In our usability studies, we tailor your landing pages to meet the most efficient models. Nielsen eye-tracking studies have shown that web users are prone to digesting content modeled in an F-shape. In other words, your audience is most likely to read horizontally at the top of your page before reading horizontally again on the right below. Then they will read vertically on the left side of your website.

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